Church Index The Church Year Propers Pericopes LSB Calendar Feasts-Festivals A-C-N Chart Easter Dates
2023-2024 B
Church Year:
Deuteronomy 8:1-10
Psalm 67
Philippians 4:6-20
1 Timothy 2:1-4
Luke 17:11-19
Hymn of the Day
LSB 785 -- We Praise You, O God
Grace Hymns
2022OpeningCome Ye Thankful People ComeLSB 892
2022HymnGiveThanksLSB 806
2022Hymn of PraisePraise and ThanksgivingLSB 789
2022Hymn of the DayNow Thank We All Our GodLSB 895
2022Offertory HymnPraise God From Whome All Blessings FlowLSB 805
2022ClosingFor the Fruits of His CrationLSB 894
2023OpeningNow Thank We All Our GodLSB 895
2023HymnGive ThanksLSB 806
2023Hymn of PraisePraise and ThanksgivingLSB 789
2023Hymn of the DayCome Ye Thankful People ComeLSB 892
2023Offertory HymnPraise God From whom All Blessings FlowLSB 805
2023ClosingFor the Fruits of His CreationLSB 894
Usage Hymn Suggestions
OpeningLSB 892  Come, Ye Thankful People, Come
Hymn of the DayLSB 895  Now Thank We All Our God
ClosingLSB 785  We Praise You, O God
CommunionLSB 726  Evening and Morning
CommunionLSB 893  Sing to the Lord of Harvest
CommunionLSB 894  For the Fruits of His Creation
Hymn Suggestions
LSB 894  For the Fruits of His Creation  (OT)
LSB 782  Gracious God, You Send Great Blessings  (OT)
LSB 809  Great Is Thy Faithfulness  (OT)
LSB 728  How Firm a Foundation  (OT)
LSB 814  O Bless the Lord, My Soul  (OT)
LSB 771  Be Still, My Soul, before the Lord  (E1, E2)
LSB 736  Consider How the Birds Above  (E1)
LSB 754  Entrust Your Days and Burdens  (E1)
LSB 773  Hear Us, Father, When We Pray  (E1, E2)
LSB 772  In Holy Conversation  (E1, E2)
LSB 749  There Is a Balm in Gilead  (E1)
LSB 966  Before You, Lord, We Bow  (E2)
LSB 777  Grant Peace, We Pray, in Mercy, Lord  (E2)
LSB 778  Grant Peace, We Pray, in Mercy, Lord  (E2)
LSB 806  Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart  (G)
LSB 703  How Can I Thank You, Lord  (G)
LSB 895  Now Thank We All Our God  (G)
LSB 528  Oh, for a Thousand Tongues to Sing  (G)
LSB 790  Praise to the Lord, the Almighty  (G)