Church Index The Church Year Propers LSB Calendar Feasts-Festivals A-C-N Chart Easter Dates
2023-2024 B
Church Year:
Proper 21B
Hymn Suggestions
LSB 501  Come Down, O Love Divine  (OT)
LSB 681  Send, O Lord, Your Holy Spirit  (OT)
LSB 768  To God the Holy Spirit Let Us Pray  (OT)
LSB 843  "Forgive Our Sins as We Forgive"  (E)
LSB 848  Lord, Whose Love through Humble Service  (E, G)
LSB 839  O Christ, Our True and Only Light  (E)
LSB 749  There Is a Balm in Gilead  (E)
LSB 845  Where Charity and Love Prevail  (E)
LSB 850  God of Grace and God of Glory  (G)
LSB 690  Hope of the World  (G)
LSB 718  Jesus, Lead Thou On  (G)