Church Index The Church Year Propers Pericopes LSB Calendar Feasts-Festivals A-C-N Chart Easter Dates
2023-2024 B
Church Year:
Revelation 14:6-7
Psalm 46
Romans 3:19-28
John 8:31-36
Matthew 11:12-19
Hymn of the Day
LSB 555 -- Salvation unto Us Has Come
LSB 656 -- A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
LSB 657 -- A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
Grace Hymns
2021OpeningCome Holy Ghost God and LordLSB 497
2021Hymn of PraiseLord Keep Us Steadfast in Your WordLSB 655
2021Hymn of the DayA Mighty FortressLSB 656
2021ClosingThy Strong WordLSB 578
2022OpeningHave No Fear Little FlockLSB 735
2022OfficeLord Keep Us Steadfast in Your WordLSB 655
2022Hymn of the DayPreserve Your Word O SaviorLSB 658
2022ClosingA Mighty Fortress is Our GodLSB 656
2023OpeningSalvation Unto Us Has ComeLSB 555
2023OfficeSalvation Unto Us Has ComeLSB 555
2023Hymn of the DayA Mighty Fortress is Our GodLSB 656
2023CanticleWe Praise You and Acknowledge YouLSB 941
2023ClosingBy Grace I'm SavedLSB 566
2024OpeningSalvation Unto Us Has ComeLSB 555
2024Hymn of PraiseLord Keep Us Steadfast In Your WordLSB 655
2024Hymn of the DayA Mighty Fortress Is Our GodLSB 656
2024CommunionAt the Lamb's High Feast We SingLSB 633
2024CommunionO Lord, We Praise TheeLSB 617
2024CommunionWhat is the World to MeLSB 730
2024ClosingHave No Fear, Little FlockLSB 735
Usage Hymn Suggestions
OpeningLSB 656  A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
Hymn of the DayLSB 555  Salvation unto Us Has Come
CommunionLSB 655  Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word
CommunionLSB 645  Built on the Rock
CommunionLSB 585  Lord Jesus Christ, with Us Abide
ClosingLSB 941  We Praise You and Acknowledge You, O God
Hymn Suggestions
LSB 947  All Glory Be to God on High  (FR)
LSB 930  All You Works of God, Bless the Lord  (FR)
LSB 506  Glory Be to God the Father  (FR)
LSB 877  God, Who Made the Earth and Heaven  (FR)
LSB 782  Gracious God, You Send Great Blessings  (FR)
LSB 834  O God, O Lord of Heaven and Earth  (FR)
LSB 562  All Mankind Fell in Adam's Fall  (E)
LSB 744  Amazing Grace  (E)
LSB 566  By Grace, I'm Saved  (E)
LSB 569  In Adam We Have All Been One  (E, G1)
LSB 580  The Gospel Shows the Father's Grace  (E)
LSB 794  The Lord, My God, Be Praised  (E)
LSB 565  Thy Works, Not Mine, O Christ  (E)
LSB 612  As Rebels, Lord, Who Foolishly Have Wandered  (G1)
LSB 584  Faith and Truth and Life Bestowing  (G1)
LSB 582  God's Word Is Our Great Heritage  (G1)
LSB 655  Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word  (G1)
LSB 973  Thy Word Is a Lamp  (G1)
LSB 645  Built on the Rock  (G2)
LSB 398  Hail to the Lord's Anointed  (G2)
LSB 355  O Savior, Rend the Heavens Wide  (G2)
LSB 849  Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness  (G2)