Church Index The Church Year Propers Pericopes LSB Calendar Feasts-Festivals A-C-N Chart Easter Dates
2023-2024 B
Church Year:
New Years Eve
Isaiah 30:(8-14) 15-17
Psalm 90:1-12
Romans 8:31b-39
Luke 12:35-40
Hymn of the Day
LSB 899 -- Across the Sky the Shades of Night
Grace Hymns
2021OpeningNow Greet the Swiftly Changing YearLSB 896
2021Hymn of the DayOf the Fathers Love BegottenLSB 384
2021CommunionAcross the Sky the Shades of NightLSB 899
2021CommunionJesus Name of Wondrous LoveLSB 900
2021ClosingGod Loves Me DearlyLSB 392
2022OpeningAcross the Sky the Shades of NightLSB 899
2022Hymn of the DayOf the Fathers Love BegottenLSB 384
2022CommunionJesus Name of Wondrous LoveLBS 900
2022CommunionGod Loves Me DearlyLSB 392
2022ClosingNow Greet the Swiftly Changing YearLSB 896
2023OpeningA Great and Mighty WonderLSB 383
2023Office HymnGentle Mary Laid Her ChildLSB 374
2023Hymn of theDayOf the Fathers Love BegottenLSB 384
2023ClosingNow Greet the Swiftly Changing YearLSB 896
Usage Hymn Suggestions
OpeningLSB 733  O God, Our Help in Ages Past
Hymn of the DayLSB 899  Across the Sky the Shades of Night
ClosingLSB 878  Abide with Me
CommunionLSB 900  Jesus! Name of Wondrous Love
CommunionLSB 898  The Ancient Law Departs
CommunionLSB 896  Now Greet the Swiftly Changing Year
Hymn Suggestions