Church Index The Church Year Propers Pericopes LSB Calendar Feasts-Festivals A-C-N Chart Easter Dates
2023-2024 B
Church Year:
Ash Wednesday
Joel 2:12-19
Psalm 51:1-13 (14-19)
2 Corinthians 5:20b-6:2
Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21
Hymn of the Day
LSB 607 -- From Depths of Woe I Cry to Thee
Grace Hymns
2023OpeningO Lord Throughout These Forty DaysLSB 418
2023HymnSavior When In Dust to TheeLSB 419
2023Hymn of the DayI Lay My Sins on JesusLSB 606
2023CommunionJesus Sinners Doth ReceiveLSB 609
2023CommunionFrom Depths of Woe I Cry to TheeLSB 607
2023ClosingAmazing GraceLSB 744
Usage Hymn Suggestions
Hymn Suggestions