Church Index The Church Year Propers Pericopes LSB Calendar Feasts-Festivals A-C-N Chart Easter Dates
2023-2024 B
Church Year:
All Saints
Revelation 7:(2-8) 9-17
Psalm 149
1 John 3:1-3
Matthew 5:1-12
Hymn of the Day
LSB 677 -- For All the Saints
Grace Hymns
2021OpeningFor All the SaintsLSB 677
2021Hymn of PraiseWhen Peace Like RiverLSB 763
2021Hymn of the DayWe Sing for All the Unsung SaintsLSB 678
2021HymnYe Watchers and Ye Holy OnesLSB 670
2021CommunionBehold a Host Arrayed in WhiteLSB 676
2021CommunionThine the Amen Thine the PraiseLSB 680
2021CommunionRejoice O Pilgrim ThrongLSB 813
2021ClosingFor All the SaintsLSB 677
2022OpeningFor All the SaintsLSB 677
2022Hymn of the DaySaints See the Cloud of WitnessesLSB 667
2022HymnYe Watchers and Ye Holy OnesLSB 670
2022CommunionWe Sing for All the Unsung SaintsLSB 678
2022CommunionThine the Amen Thine the PraiseLSB 680
2022CommunionBehold a Host Arrayed in WhiteLSB 676
2022ClosingWhen Peace Like a RiverLSB 763
2023OpeningFor All the SaintsLSB 677
2023Hymn of PraiseWe Sing for All the Unsung SaintsLSB 678
2023Hymn of the DayWhen Peace Like a RiverLSB 763
2023HymnYe Watchers and Ye Holy OnesLSB 670
2023CommunionSaints See the Cloud of WitnessesLSB 667
2023CommunionThine the Amen Thine the PraiseLSB 680
2023CommunionBehold a Host Arrayed in WhiteLSB 676
2023ClosingJerusalem the GoldenLSB 672
2024OpeningFor All the SaintsLSB 677
2024Hymn of PraiseWe Sing for All the Unsung SaintsLSB 678
2024Hymn of the DayWhen Peace Like a RiverLSB 763
2024HymnYe Watchers and Ye Holy OnesLSB 670
2024CommunionSaints, See the Cloud of WitnessesLSB 667
2024CommunionBehold a Host Arrayed in WhiteLSB 676
2024CommunionJerusalem the GoldenLSB 672
2024ClosingWe Praise You and Acknowledge YouLSB 941
Usage Hymn Suggestions
OpeningLSB 677  For All the Saints
Hymn of the DayLSB 676  Behold a Host, Arrayed in White
CommunionLSB 639  Wide Open Stand the Gates
CommunionLSB 797  Praise the Almighty
CommunionLSB 563  Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness
ClosingLSB 671  Sing with All the Saints in Glory
Hymn Suggestions
LSB 510  A Multitude Comes from the East and the West  (FR)
LSB 676  Behold a Host, Arrayed in White  (FR)
LSB 949  Heavenly Hosts in Ceaseless Worship  (FR)
LSB 563  Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness  (FR)
LSB 679  Oh, How Blest Are They  (FR)
LSB 671  Sing with All the Saints in Glory  (FR)
LSB 950  Splendor and Honor  (FR)
LSB 799  AlabarĂ© -- I  (E)
LSB 822  Alleluia! Let Praises Ring  (E)
LSB 725  Children of the Heavenly Father  (E)
LSB 605  Father Welcomes  (E)
LSB 594  God's Own Child, I Gladly Say It  (E)
LSB 411  I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light  (E)
LSB 336  Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending  (E)
LSB 700  Love Divine, All Loves Excelling  (E)
LSB 473  Our Paschal Lamb, That Sets Us Free  (E)
LSB 904  Blessed Jesus, at Your Word  (G)
LSB 982  Blest Are They  (G)
LSB 690  Hope of the World  (G)
LSB 932  Jesus Sat with His Disciples  (G)
LSB 659  Lord of Our Life  (G)
LSB 554  O Jesus, King Most Wonderful  (G)