Church Index The Church Year Propers Pericopes LSB Calendar Feasts-Festivals A-C-N Chart Easter Dates
2023-2024 B
Church Year:
Advent 2C
Malachi 3:1-7b
Psalm 66:1-12
Philippians 1:2-11
Luke 3:1-14 (15-20)
Hymn of the Day
LSB 344 -- On Jordan's Bank the Baptist's Cry
Grace Hymns
2015OpeningHark the Glad SoundLSB 349
2015Hymn of PraiseComfort Comfort Ye My PeopleLSB 347
2015DistributionBeautiful SaviorSTTL 10
2015DistributionJust As I AmSTTL 50
2015DistributionAbide O Dearest JesusSTTL193
2015DistributionHave Thine Own WaySTTL 124
2015ClosingPrepare the Royal HighwayLSB 343
2021OpeningPrepare the Royal HighwayLSB 343
2021Hymn of the DayOn Jordans Bank the Baptists CryLSB 344
2021CommunionComfort Comfort Ye My PeopleLSB 347
2021CommunionHark A Thrilling Voice is SoundingLSB 345
2021ClosingOnce He Came in BlessingLSB 333
2024OpeningLSB 343
2024HymnLSB 357
2024Hymn of the DayLSB 344
2024ClosingLSB 392
2024CommunionLSB 333
2024CommunionLSB 349
2024CommunionLSB 335
Usage Hymn Suggestions
OpeningLSB 343  Prepare the Royal Highway
Hymn of the DayLSB 344  On Jordan's Bank the Baptist's Cry
ClosingLSB 333  Once He Came in Blessing
CommunionLSB 350  Come, Thou Precious Ransom, Come
CommunionLSB 346  When All the World Was Cursed
CommunionLSB 337  The Night Will Soon Be Ending
Hymn Suggestions
LSB 351  Creator of the Stars of Night  (OT)
LSB 349  Hark the Glad Sound  (OT)
LSB 511  Herald, Sound the Note of Judgment  (OT, G)
LSB 359  Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming  (OT)
LSB 508  The Day Is Surely Drawing Near  (OT)
LSB 788  Forgive Us, Lord, for Shallow Thankfulness  (E)
LSB 695  Not for Tongues of Heaven's Angels  (E)
LSB 334  O Lord, How Shall I Meet You  (E)
LSB 331  The Advent of Our King  (E)
LSB 838  Lift High the Cross  (E)
LSB 354  Arise, O Christian People  (G)
LSB 518  By All Your Saints in Warfare  (G)
LSB 345  Hark! A Thrilling Voice Is Sounding  (G)
LSB 343  Prepare the Royal Highway  (G)
LSB 936  Sing Praise to the God of Israel  (G)
LSB 346  When All the World Was Cursed  (G)