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Lutheran Service Book
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Beginning of Service
LSB 901 Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty
LSB 902 Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now
LSB 903 This Is the Day the Lord Has Made
LSB 904 Blessed Jesus, at Your Word
LSB 905 Come, Thou Almighty King
LSB 906 O Day of Rest and Gladness
LSB 907 God Himself Is Present
LSB 908 Lord, Open Now My Heart to Hear
LSB 909 Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation
LSB 910 Now the Silence
LSB 911 Lord, This Day We've Come to Worship
LSB 912 Christ Is Our Cornerstone
LSB 913 O Holy Spirit, Enter In
LSB 914 Light of Light, O Sole-Begotten
LSB 915 Today Your Mercy Calls Us
LSB 916 Only-Begotten, Word of God Eternal
LSB 981 To Your Temple, Lord, I Come